Sunday 8th September 2024
Mrs Christine Scrutton
JMA awards and certificates will be given out during this service
and collecting boxes will be returned.
There will be a retiring collection at the end of this service
towards the transport of the Link to Hope shoeboxes.
Sunday 15th September 2024
Rev Eleanor Jackson
10am - Junior Church
Sunday 15th September 2024
Via Zoom
Tots and Co runs on Tuesday mornings from 9 - 10.30, welcoming about 30 children with their carers each week. For various reasons, we are short of helpers at the current time.
There are several roles, including:
- setting up, from soon after 8 a.m
- welcoming, chatting to, helping with crafts and playing alongside our visitors (9 - 10.30)
- making , serving and clearing away tea and toast
- clearing away - mainly done during the refreshments and singing session.
We have usually left by 10.50. Helpers come for some or all of these times according to the role and what suits them, and are on a rota - so not every week.
If you are interested in helping or would like to know more, please contact our leader,
Michelle de Vido (07771 881655) or speak to Judith Reed
Saturday 30th November - Sunday 8th December
“When is the Christmas Tree Festival?” is a phrase arising at many meetings and in conversations recently. As always it can only happen with a large team of volunteers. If you would like to be part of the organising committee or be a volunteer please speak to Caroline or Judith H as soon as possible, we need help and we need a theme! As always the bigger the team the less there is for each individual to do! We also need to train some younger members up if this festival is to continue year on
year, this is the last year Judith and Caroline are willing to head up the organisation!
Rev Rohama Asif (
Rev Karen Bell (
Copyright © Upminster Methodist Church. All rights reserved.
Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex, RM14 1AE