Mondays 2:00pm - 4:00pm
The Quilting Group meets on Monday afternoons from 2pm until 4pm, in the church Parlour. Members have a variety of experience and skills ranging from very skilled to complete beginners and all are willing to advise and guide others as needed.
During COVID lockdown several members volunteered to stitch the Scrubs outfits being used by various NHS staff - quite a challenge but it made us feel useful. Over the past few years we have also jointly made a few quilts that have then been raffled with the proceeds going to charity. We were also asked to produce some heart shape cushions for use by Breast Cancer patients. These cushions are loosely filled and give comfort and relief following surgery; the cushion tucks under the arm to prevent pressure on surgical wounds. We were most grateful to The Log Cabin in Billericay for donating fabric and cushion filling for this project.
At Christmas the group usually get involved with the theme for church decoration and last year sewed various colours & sizes of stars to hang in one window.
As you may imagine, we do not stitch in silence and many discussions take place over tea & coffee. New members are welcome! Please pop in to see us or for further information please visit the contact us page.
Copyright © Upminster Methodist Church. All rights reserved.
Hall Lane, Upminster, Essex, RM14 1AE